Das Wichtigste Video für alle Anfänger findest du hier: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8lzjMQEcAk&t=6s

Egelhaltung im Aquarium - ein Crashkurs für die wichtigsten Eckpunkte, damit dir der Einstieg in die Egelhaltung leichter fällt. Hier eine Liste der im Video verwendeten Sachen sowie die englische übersetzung.



for english translation of the video scroll down :)


Meine Egelfreunde!

Endlich ist das Video da. Ich hoffe wir haben nichts vergessen. Am Ton müssen wir noch arbeiten... und auch ein paar andere Haker sind noch drin. Aber mit jedem Male werden wir besser.

Konstruktive Kritik ist sehr willkommen. Wir hoffen dass wir ein paar Inspirationen geben können


Nachfolgend eine Liste der im Video verwendeten Sachen. Dabei handelt es sich um Affiliatelinks, also versteht sich alles zum Anklicken als "Werbung". (Was euch natürlich keinen Aufpreis kostet, ich muss es nur kennzeichnen) ;)


versteinertes Laub - Colorstones https://amzn.to/36SCcVA

Drachenstein - https://amzn.to/38Vloiy

Lavastein - https://amzn.to/2SmO1PI

Sand (weiss und fein) https://amzn.to/35QaXuM

Fluss Steine (selber sammeln!) https://amzn.to/38YJp8u

Dennerle Nanocube 30L https://amzn.to/35M2Sr9

Lampe Smart Leddy https://amzn.to/35JZWLC

Sauerstoffpunpe: https://amzn.to/2ZckHNq

Trixi Innenfilter: https://amzn.to/2sRhfvw

Mückennetz für Filtersicherung: https://amzn.to/2SmIWHv

Knetradiergummi: https://amzn.to/38X8hNQ



english translation of the video itself:

Hello my Leechloving friends and favorite viewers. In this movie-„masterpiece“ we’d like to give you a short crashcourse about leechkeeping.

if you’ve got your leech from a pharmacy, its probable a hirudo verbana - a hungarian leech. this video is not only for hirudo verbana but also for hirudo orientalis and medicinalis and others. Please keep leeches always as small group of at least 3 animals. One liter water for one leech is a good rule of thumb. but now have fun with the crashcourse.


what do you need?

its quite easy:

- you need a tank

- sand

- stones, stones are very important. not only the small ones, also the big ones to make it easier for the leeches to shedd.

- (a red cat - nooooo they discolor everything! take it away)

- but we need a lot of optinal equippment like a lamp, oxygen stones and filter

- also a coverage and the most important thing

- leeches!


its easy again. Just insert the sand, than stones. as rough stones take lavastone, colorstones or dragonstones. the leeches will love to use them for shedding. flat and washed stones from rivers are perfect for the leeches to place their suckers on. that wont work on sand but they love digging.


then its time for water. i take tap water. the quality is written on the homepage of your watersupplier (at least in germany) - but you can also take water from aldi (its called silent water „Quellbrunn“ Noé

 Quelle). i put in the (leech secured) filter. i talked in an other video about how to make your filter leechsafe. also an oxygen stone is put in but its not necessary. all the tech isnt necessary for a leech tank.

„you could have given em a bigger plant“

right! leeches love when the plants are big and the water is shadowy. In addition they love spending time in wet moss, especially to lay cocoons but i will talk more about later.

you really need to check twice if every gap is closed. leeches are masters in escaping. you wont be happy for long with your new petworms if you are not assiduous enough.

for small holes i am using modelling rubber. its easy and the leeches are not able to push it away.

now everything set to „on“ and here we go! the leeches are atrackted by the filter because of the vibrations.

you dont need any starter bacterias or run-in period. also a waterchange isnt necessary that often. only if its too dirty you need to change it - otherwise a partially change could be made every few weeks.

beside catappaleaf (seealmond leafes) is alden cones perfect for a leechfriendly climate in your tank.


here you can see a leech building a cocoon in wet moos. please handle this with caution. a leech will get a lot of babys and it is not allowed to release them in our nature because they were not native to our environment. skipped leeches harm our nature and if the goverment will notice it, they will be killed.



hi here’s toni from leechylove!

nice you are still with me…. at least i am hoping someone is still watching?

we put all the stuff in the description below to make it easier to find. thats also the reason for the small „advertise mark“ in the corner above.

leechylove is a complete personal project. and you need your help to continue. please like, share and comment. also we’re looking urgently for aquarium equippment and postal service-sponsorships. also, if you like, a donation to info@leechylove.de

not only humans need help, also animals. and its our turn to change world!



2021-10-26: Lieber Egelfreund! Dieser Bereich wird gerade überarbeitet. Ich habe die Texte vorab bereits freigegeben.

Willkommen bei den Videos. Es sind leider noch nicht so viele aber ein paar Infos können wir euch schon zur Verfügung stellen. Sollte etwas nicht klappen schreibt mir bitte unter info (a) leechylove.de


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